

Research interests

Internet of things (IOT)

The boom in the internet of things (IOT) allows us to design these devices at lowe prices. S.K. Gadi is interested in exploiting this technology to upgrade the existing processes by providing remote monitoring and controlling.

Design of didactic systems

As a professor at the undergraduate and graduate level engineering school, S. K. Gadi observes the area of improvements in educational tools. He is interested in designing open-source tools that help students to develop insight into a topic.

Control theory

As an academic member of a renewable energy program at Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, he proposes projects that focus on optimizing, decision making, monitoring, controlling the devices that are electric, electronic, electro-mechanic.

Email for research

Research @

S. K. Gadi uses this email ID exclusively for research-related correspondence, any other communication should go through the contacts page.

GadiS @

It is S. K. Gadi's university email used for internal communication. Also, it is used to prove his affiliation with the Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila.

Info for the students

Master's students

The following link has a document with some challenges grouped into sections. Each section is associated with one of the research-interests. The master's students who want to work with SKGadi for their thesis are requested to download the document and accept challenges in one or more of the sections.



  1. A computer-based educational tool for simulating multifactorial experiments of physical processes. Concha Antonio; Delgado Chavez Ana Cristina; Balagurusamy Nagamani; Narayanasamy Rajeswari; Gadi Suresh K.; Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp: 559-565, ISSN: 1099-0542, feb- 2018.
  2. Stability Analysis of a Human Arm Interacting with a Force Augmenting Device. S. K. Gadi; Antonio Osorio-Cordero; Rogelio Lozano-Leal; Ruben A. Garrido; Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, pp: 1--10, ISSN: 1573-0409, September- 2016.
  3. A Novel Numerical Approach to the MCLP Based Resilent Supply Chain Optimization. V. Azhmyakov; J.P. Fernández-Gutiérrez; S.K. Gadi; St. Pickl; IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 49, No. 31, pp: 137 - 142, ISSN: 2405-8963, 2016.
  4. Stability Analysis and Experiments for a Force Augmenting Device. S. K. Gadi; R. Lozano; R. Garrido; A. Osorio; 2012 9th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE), pp: 1--6, September- 2012.
  5. Robust control for a class of continuous dynamical system governed by semi-explicit DAE with data-sample outputs. R. Juarez; V. Azhmyakov; S. K. Gadi; F. G. Salas; 2016 13th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE), pp: 1--7, September- 2016.
  6. Attractive ellipsoids based robust control design of switched systems: A geometrical approach. V. Azhmyakov; R. Juarez; S. K. Gadi; L. A. G. Trujillo; 2016 13th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE), pp: 1--7, September- 2016.
  7. A novel implementation technique for genetic algorithm based auto-tuning PID controller. A. Concha; E. K. Varadharaj; N. M. Hernandez-Rivera; S. K. Gadi; 2017 IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI), pp: 1403-1408, Sept- 2017.
  8. Study of the Interaction between a One Degree of Freedom Force Augmenting Device and a Human Operator. S. K. Gadi; Antonio Osorio; Rogelio Lozano; 2014 18th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), pp: 7--12, October- 2014.
  9. Stability Analysis for a Force Augmenting Device Considering Delays in the Human Model. S. K. Gadi; Ruben A. Garrido; Rogelio Lozano; Antonio Osorio; Volume 12: Systems and Design, pp: 1--9, November- 2013.
  10. Comparison of Control Algorithms Using a Generalized Model for a Human with an Exoskeleton. Antonio Concha; Francisco Emmanuel González Sánchez; Efrain Ramírez Velasco; Martín Sánchez; Suresh Kumar Gadi; Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2018.
  11. Human Adaptation Towards a Force Augmenting Device: Experimental Results. SK Gadi; A Osorio-Cordero; Rogelio Lozano; R Garrido; Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2017.
  12. Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Using Linear Fuzzy Model Applied to Cooperative Mobile Robots. David Luviano-Cruz; Francesco Garcia-Luna; Luis Pérez-Domínguez; S. K. Gadi; Symmetry, Vol. 10, No. 10, ISSN: 2073-8994, 2018.
  13. Multifactorial Experiment Simulator: An Android App to Teach The Experimental Design. A. Concha; S. K. Gadi; International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, Vol. 7, No. Spl. Issue-2, pp: 28--31, mar- 2019.
  14. An android application for system identification and automatic control. A Concha; CM Luna-Ochoa; Set Vejar; SK Gadi; Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp: 600--605, October- 2019.
  15. Avances, Retos y Perspectivas de Bioenergía en México in Perspectivas de Sustentabilidad en México. Inty Omar Hernández De Lira; Lilia E Montañez Hernández; Adriana López; Antonio Rodríguez Martínez Villanueva; Suresh Kumar Gadi; Nagamani Balagurusamy; pp: 69-81, ISBN: 978-84-7834-791-9, 12- 2017.
  16. Control and Identification Toolbox (CIT): An Android application for teaching automatic control and system identification. Antonio Concha; David Luviano-Cruz; G. Calderon; S. K. Gadi; Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp: 1186-1201, 2019.
  17. Design of Factory Floor Tester for HVAC Controller and Remote Monitoring Unit. S. K. Gadi; June- 2009.
  18. Modelado y Control de un Dispositivo de Aumento de Fuerza. S. K. Gadi; May- 2014.